FREE INTRO :: Medical Writing in Med Comms: What is it and how do I get in?
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)What is med comms anyway? Who are medical writers, what do they do, and how can I be one? If you need answers to any of these questions, watch this FREE masterclass presented by industry expert Sarah Nelson PhD
Medical Writing Career Kickstarter - A guide to passing the entry level writing test and getting your first job
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Want to pass the medical writing test first time and get lots of job offers? This course is for you. You'll get practical tips and unique insights from med comms expert Sarah Nelson, PhD. Includes a practical assignment and free 1:1 call with Sarah.
Authentic Marketing for Freelance Medical Writers
Course4.8 average rating (4 reviews)Freelance medical writers, don't let uncertainty hold you back. Let this mini-course equip you with tools and ideas to craft a marketing plan tailored to your unique style and strengths.
Foundations of Excellence: The 5 Pillars of Medical Writing
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Learn to create engaging, error-free content that your clients will love! This premium training teaches medical writers all the competencies needed to ensure excellence in every project. Transform your writing with eminent mentor Sarah Nelson.
Agency Ready All-inclusive
BundleThe all-inclusive Agency Ready package is for ambitious medical writers who want to reach their career goals fast. Includes all courses, coaching group membership and quarterly planning workshops for 1 year.